Tuesday, December 14, 2021

EOTO 1 From Others

One technology that I thought was interesting to learn about during the EOTO presentations were NFT's. They are extremely confusing to me, even after the presentation. 

Some of the things I took away from the slides about NFT's are that is a volatile market that people can decide what the value of these currencies are, however it can be safer than traditional banking because each transaction is monitored. 

It is amazing to me that these NFT' pictures are being sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some questions I still have are 

What is the resell value of these NFT's?

How do you resell for monetary value?

After doing more research, Bitcoin is not an NFT but the idea behind it is similar, one is just art and one is actually currency.

The Verge wrote that a pet rock NFT went for 16k. Sheesh. However they also helpfully stated that 

"While there's no inherent value in these cards other than what the market ascribes to them, their fluctuating worth makes their collectability and trading potential like a high-risk gambling game".

This seems like a terrible investment if you ask me.

The EOTO presentation about carrier pigeons actually although was probably a joke was pretty fascinating to me that they were intercepted by military efforts. It is extremely interesting to me that these birds could be "programmed" where to go and just sent with a message, as well as the thought that a lot of times it would be carrying vitally important messages in code during times of war. Something tells me the pigeons I see in the New York City subway stations are not capable of that anymore.

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